
4 Reasons Why DVD Rental Service is Here to Stay

When you think of or discuss about wanting to watch a good movie or a TV series, any newbie and tech aficionado will spell out Netflix, Foxtel, and similar other online streaming services. With the evolving digital sphere, we have all witnessed so many new trends and online streaming is one. Although this is a new trend, yet there is something that online streaming cannot take away from the good-old DVDs rental services.

While people may argue if there is still room for or any need for renting DVD. I would certainly say, yes. Whatever new medium can come, there is nothing that can take away what DVD rental services used to provide and never be associated with any other means. Here are 4 specific reasons why people still love rental DVDs, and this service mechanism is here to thrive:

1. Simple in Use

The process of dropping a disc into a tray and seamlessly pressing Play and watching the show or movie is as simple as it can get. Although online streaming services try to avoid complications for the user, yet the multiple layers of technicalities and know-how can make a less tech-friendly user wanting to just switch at all. Along with that the streaming services are dependent on a fast internet connection to play, which is never an issue with DVDs.

2. Audio-Video Quality

First, the image quality you get in online streaming depends a lot on the bandwidth.  Even today an upscaled DVD renders high-end, razor-sharp audio and visual quality that streaming services fail to match. Couple with that, there are other advantages too associated with DVDs, like additional features, such as deleted scenes, outtakes, director commentary, in-depth documentaries, onset photography, concept artwork, and much more.

3. Complete Shows

If you are one who loves to binge-watch your favorite TV series, then nothing gives you the comfort, quality and un-intervened fun that a DVD give. With an online streaming service, you may have to scout through a whole lot for a particular season or show, and you might not be able to get that specific or complete show. But for a specific episode or season DVD, like Stranger things season 2 DVD, or something else, just insert the disc and press play and you are on your way for a session of fun and enjoyment, without any interruption or any other factor. Many people love to binge-watch in their free time or during vacation, and this can be optimally enjoyed with a DVD rental.

4. Complete Ownership

Unlike the streaming services where you have to depend on their offerings, not to mention the online connectivity, and a lot of proprietorship issues. If you are in the mood to see a movie again, you may have to pay again over online streaming, even if you have paid for it the first time months or weeks back. With DVDs you are the sole owner of the set. You can keep it with yourself, lend it to your friends or family, re-run it again whenever you feel revisiting that special moment or story. 

Whatever people or media say, even with new technological advances, there are some things which can’t be replaced and DVDs are here to stay. So, just pick or movie or TV show from an online DVD store in Australia, and start your entertainment session in full swing with complete ownership, high-quality experience and un-interrupted binge-watch enjoyment.